viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

The turns of life

Hi, (so much time ago i had not greeted to you!)

- I will attempt summarise a little bit my ideas - 

I was really confused when i have to decide my career. Sincerely, i never thought to study anthropology and if i ever thought it was a far idea to do after my principal career and it was history. I want to be a teacher and work in secondary level because i think that the teenager are fantastic! But i am studying anthropology, what is the sense of all that? Pedagogy is anthropology, and that is based in the construction of two parts who involved in a constant teaching learn from one another, producing a feed back effect. I recommend a book of Paulo Freire entitled "The pedagogy of opressed" in wich he talks about this.

Thereby its contribution to society is make society but transforming and maintaining in movement. In definite, create knowledge to condense with other forms to create knowledge, all that for to learn, to teach and to make together a real relationships between us this entail to make together a better society.

On the contrary (haha) my, i do not know to call "my favourite", but so the subject that attract my attention is archaeology. For the same i explain in the top, i never thought to study this and less to study archaeology! I like archaeology because i think this will be (or is) the new grand social science in our material world this discipline and its subdisciplines are too much important! Besides is very entertaining its topics, discussions, studies, the interdisciplinary character, and more things who makes a incredible social science.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

from, for, by US (not U S haha)

I know this is a controversial topic, but for that we are, for bring to light controversies in a illogical and non natural system.

The mobilisation became static.

The horrible thing this could happen, happened. The movement was institutionalized through a lot of periodical strikes, school and university occupations and multitudinous protest, without a strong political work with the students (the essential bases), falling in the routine of "student movement", without expand the movement to one who englobing all sectors maintained the union and strengthen the mobilisation alive, in a constant move.
On the other hand, in the institutionalize phenomenon, the "leaders" of the motion needs our help! They can no longer think... with a full brain of dollars and other coins that blinds them, and wrap in a invisible net of old an powerful men. They are lost. My condolences for their supposed cause and their supposed life... They killed theirselfs (or maybe not).

 But we are here, not lost and not blinded.
The situations that have happened only have an answer in our actions and our mentally desicion and priorities, our confort "the heat of the bed" this heat that make us not wake up, "the heat of the shower" that make us not close the faucet, this confort that make us purposely blind and leads to our lost. But WAKE UP, if you wake up i wake up too, and he/she wake up too, the science of this is the reproduction of our natural actions in constant change and test, but without left behind our construction of person next to the others, the others which we belong.

Like a river. 

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

i really would like to visit is Tierra del Fuego.

All the mistic in this locality cause me shivers when i only look the pictures! But it is not my only argument. When i was a child remember i read a book about a trip through the south of Chili. In this book, the protagonist lives in Tierra del Fuego and describe this place like a paradise (for me). The most funny thing is that he travels to Santiago and later to Arica. After i read that, i went to more books about the same places, like "La Ciudad de los Césares" and books of Francisco Coloane.

Tierra del Fuego is located in XII region of Chili (and Argentina too) it is, the region of Magallanes and chilean antartic, with a few inhabitant than Punta Arenas, possess a little capital called Porvenir. Its flora and fauna is concentred in the magallanic forest along the Darwin Cordillera.

The most important data of this place is the ona and selk'nam genocide, 4000 indigenous were be killed in hands of chileans colonists during the XIX and XX centuries. Another act of violence was happen in 1973 putsch, this location was be occuped for the military force and used like concentration camp.

Despite everything, the place preserve its magical aura, maybe for the same reason.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

My presentation was an horrible sound like a bad tune in radio.
For that, I feel that i do not have anything to say more i am learning to organization my life and coming soon i will be have a effective routine to do my works.
This is about me.
About my classmates.
They chose an very interesting themes!! I will be must find more information of each one. Like for example of feminism, etnohistory, submarine archaeology, social works and Marx.
I want to do the presentation again, PLEASEEE, I want to teach my theme to my classmates, I have to do it!!!

Pd: If you read that, search more of Monteverde and the problematic situation with the state, archaeology and the powers of other nations in Chile.

To this I refer.