viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


Hi everybody, 

i want to tell you about my friends and my concept of 'friend'. I consider a friend someone i have confidence in a different ways, for example faith to tell she or he some prived history or sing and dance like a unusual manners, that... and accompanied by how long we know to each other, because i am slow in to add people to my life. I think that i am a good friend but i am not the person who have best friends, i have friends with different characteristic and i love them. In that sense, the relations with my friends are sometimes very united (we speak day to day) or for a various reasons we not see and not talk for a time. We adjust our times and lifes to each other.

I guess i make friends easily but relies the person and our intentions because these days the people is unfriendly or fearful with the others, i think the people (and me) is very shocked for the world and the news, "not talk with stranger people" because they are rapists, serial killer, etc... or they want "other things" with you, like have sex. They reduce the world in a singular ideas. In other hand, i think that i am not very friendly because the people in general are so complex and petitioner.

The person in this photo is Cony, one of my old friends and today is not my closest friend because she went to live to EEUU and abandoned me in third grade of high school. Whatever i love she because is a great person, and before she went to the north we live so much things together. In other hand, we have a relationship in a distance (we speak by the phone) and when she comes to visit me our relationship are real alive again.

I keep in touch friend of my childhood and highschool age, Cony is one of them. It is funny touch together and laugh at the past.

I hope that you liked my post, byebye.

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

Favorite Cameras

Hi dudes!

I can not write to you the past friday because i have many problems in my life but this is lamentably normal in all lives. Now, i want to write about a pending topic. Films. 

Two years ago i tell you what i would like to be filmmaker, but i forget this with the theather and other related things. Anyway, i love cinema and audiovisual record. 

Even if, i do not have a favourite film director, one of my admires directors is Agnes Varda, because she has a personal seal (experimental, feminist and disruptive) and her work is located in France in the 1960's so that become with the Nouvelle Vague an artistic-cinematography movement wich one she was the only woman in adhering. 

Resultado de imagen para cleo de 5 a 7

By a coincidence, the last film what i saw was "Cleo de 5 a 7" an Agnes Varda's film, her second film. The protagonist, called Cleo, is a famous pop singer in France, she lives well-off life so that is a very capricious girl. But she is sick of a terminal cancer, or at least that believe, so that she become to lost the sense of her life and of the all lives in general. The film is about the last two hours before she learns about her disease.   

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I do not have an all-time favorite film, but one of the my favourites is The Trial of Orson Welles. Based on a book of Franz Kafka (good book and good movie), related the misery life of a man lost in bureaucratic system because he is accused to be a pinter of fat brush. All the movie is his desperation for leave innocent of this judicial process. The main character is interpreted by Anthony Perkins, the same actor of Psicosis a film by Alfred Hitchcock (good film too), and i likes this kind of movies because are about topics like distress, misery, obsesion, psicosis, ect. I reccomend it, because i see this movie in three ocations and  this films are tighly related with real life, added what this director is fantastic, with the blueprints, colors, foccus and the particulary form of narrate.

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A film i want to like to see again is "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" (thanks teacher for remember me the title of a movie), a film i saw a lot years ago and i loved it, but i forget how its called, i only remember the song of "Baby Jane" and some images of the film. I want to see again this film because when i saw the film i was impacted with the terrible history and the scary Baby Jane. 

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

My best holidays

Hi everybody!

This friday i want to talk about one of my favourites places, Cucao in the archipielago of Chiloe. Into the big island, there is a town called "Cucao" that have a national park with the same name. This travel it was in february summertime of two years ago, i went with my brother and friends to camp in the beside of national park. This was really funny because we walk an run over the beach and over the Hullico lake, we have to make fire with wood at the camping and we have to hug us for the cold and wind at night. 

We stay here for four days and three nights, with black clouds at day and stars at night, this was incredible because the trees, the sea, the birds and the rain makes me happy and stay quiet without complications of a mental works or preocupations.

It has been the best vacations so far because i find me in this place and i find my roots of my ancient family.

i hope that you liked my post.

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viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

The places i want to go

Hi dudes! Today i would like to talk about my wishes of go to Orient. This is not a one country because this is a big continent called Asia. But i want to go to the middle, because this place have a enormous variety of smells, colors, people, animals, flora, flavours, now that there the limit between Russia, Kazajistan y China.

About Russia i know its cinema as well as its variety of landscapes, because of its accident and large geography. But i do not know anything about its food or its rutine in the streets. Maybe the most importan reason to go to that country is my ignorance to how the people live its ordinary life in the day or night. China is a similar case, because i watch its cinema and eat its food but i do not know how is live there either in the field or in the country. My reasons to go to Kazajistan are totally diferent because i do not anything of anything. I never see a movie or listen a piece of music from this country.

In any case, i want to travel first across South America but if i give the opportunity to travel to Asia continet i will give the chance.