viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

More studies? Depend...

I want to talk you about my mains reasons to do a postgraduate course in the future. After I finish, I would really like not enter to the university never more. Because I think but the university is a comfort place for the people (like me) but not dare to living without a material security or at least, a certificate wich consent this "security" in the social life. 

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Anyway, I would like to continue studying a lot of maths, like dance, theatre and other corporal arts, because the body is an important topic for me, the main reason I have to is the quite relevance what we have to our body and in consequence the little significance that it have in a public world, like any job, any place and any activity, the body is represented as an accessory.

At the moment I study dance and theatre but as an self-taught together with a cheap workshops.

So, I would like to dedicate more time to that and after I finish the university I hope have time. If not or if a have a lot of time (or be organized) I want to learn an some trade like carpentry or welder because I like to feel me self-sufficient with this things and also this subjects are so entertains. With the previous things i say, I would like but this trades will be taught me by a master.

4 comentarios:

  1. Sounds amazing! i think that feeling self confidents about the things that we do is one of the most important things in life. I hope you keep learning :).

  2. As you would like to continue dancing and acting... I would love to "study" painting when I finish university, I think that sometimes our career makes us "think" a lot and "do" a little

  3. to study differents things sounds amazing... and i agree, body isn't an accessory
