viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

I want to talk about my future job because is an important topic for me. I am thinking of working as part of a great group of persons in a organization or community. I have decided to get out from my home in this capital city and go to other place to live and work. It looks like I am going to do the studiant dream because go to other place what not is an other big city is something hippie for the majority of people. But I would like to work as like to live, and i want to live in order with me, good people and nature (with its flora and fauna), always attempt to produce new rules of convivence, education, work, etc. and all of that cross by genre, by context, by age, by our history, etc. 

I do not thinking of taking a major because i want to get out from this university quickly, even if this decision cause a meaningful reduction in the salary of works from formal places but i would not work in this places and even if i work in this places, i believe what have take advantage of this institutions in other senses, not get money but what create networks to create new organizations and communities. 

Sometimes i hate people but sometimes i have hope in somebody. 

3 comentarios:

  1. I also want to go to another place to work, I don't think that's hippie haha I hope we could <3

  2. what a beautiful job! to live close to the nature sounds great! regards!

  3. That sounds amazing! i also think that create networks is one of the most important things in life. i hope you make it :)!
