viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

Language Challenges

In my experience, learning english, is harder than other languages that i learning like kreyol. Although, i have a advantage with the english that is my formation in english during the school and high school, but the public education is so bad to the learning something language or something that we use in general, i learning a half of the total subject, as far as in my math of english.

At university, in my experience learning english it have been difficult to me. Because, we haven't much hours of english in the week, and the levels are vague, i don't know what things i have to learn again or recently know. Therefore, i would like to know this things to order my process of learning. About the units i don't have a favourite one because its goes so quikly. But i like to writte this blogs because this is a good exercise to the grammar, words and composition, things that i will use in the future.

 I think that the things i have to improved is the vocabulary, reading more in english or watching tv series/movies with subtitles in english. Since, when i talk in english with another person i realize that i don't have many words to designate my experiences or opinions. 

Outside the english class i use my english when i listen music, sing and dance. Also to watch a movie in english but with spanish subtitles. Sometimes i use my english to read articles or comments in internet, because for navegation in the internet world we need to know english. 

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

when i talk about that, makes me angry

Hi, today i want to talk about the changes that i could be made to my study programme. The first thing that i could change is the curriculum. When i was in first year of anthropology i had Latinoamerican History and Social History of Chili, two subjects very important for me because there were the uniques critic subjects or the most critic subjects in the middle of too many bad and abstracts maths. In the beginning of the second semester this same year, the career - in the frame of the curriculum innovation - opening journeys of dicussion about the subjects, programs and teachers of every specialty. In this journeys the public decided remove all of history subjects change it for subjects like 'modern problems of anthropology' or 'modern society' leaving out our history of the curriculum therefore of our training. 

This make me angry because, all of the faculty facilities, the technology services and others materials to the study, there are transformed in ornaments materials when the careers do not have social contents in the sense with the social science. Moreover this things are transformed to the service to the market and the capitalist economic sciences that request social sciences without critic therefore without social history of our continent and our countries. 

On the other hand, the teaching methods are so bad ingeneral, because the persons that makes the class, they aren't teachers, then they don't have pedagogic methods, their classes are so expositives and a little bit of practice, therefore they comprehend the anthropology from the desktop and in their chairs. 


viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

I opinion

Hi everybody. today i want to talk about of my thoughts of peculiar things. Frequently i want to give an opinions of differents topics because this is a form to knowing with others persons in political terms and this is very important for me, as long as i can know if we could be friends. On the other hand, receive opinions of friends and relatives about myself and other topics, is too relevant because talk to each others is for me a great manner of relate, talking about our ideas and judgments to change us and our little and common world. 

My opinion of the women in the military, include my opinion of military. I think that they should not exists. Because is an force of order and defense but for what? Who have to arrange and defend? For me, is obviously that this forces have been creates to defend the power people who govern the economic system. Because of, the war is not a war between nations but what between economic interests. Then, this question or discussion is not of genre, because the women can fight and kill and to do the all atrocities in the life, not necessarily forming part of military. To the end of this dicussion, I give you a question. Why does presidents fight in the war? 

In other topics, the tattoos are very beautiful for me! Even though i don't have anyone, i love them and i think what i should make me anyone. I don't think that the tattoos are maleficents to the health or others myths. 

What do you think of this tattoo? 


Resultado de imagen para hongos tatuados