viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

A love story.

He went from EEUU in june of last year. I am not sure my desires for him. That has been always a problem in our relationship. I ordered him to my sister Cony with some specification of shape, color, size, and other important features. When he arrived to Chile with Cony i was so expectant to see him (and her, obviously). An another special thing in our relation is my hardly work in Auter enterprice (my old job) to have him. Here i repaired semaphores and another electric components of the semaphores control like a electronic technician... this was a complete (in all senses) experience. But the moment when i saw him i did not appreciate his value. Sorry, if you read this, please excuse me. In fact, i closely hated him. His qualities and artificial beauty SHOCKED me.

Today, we have a wonderful relationship. Yes, believe me. Ok, sometimes i only want that he would not be. He is too absorbent with me, my time, my friends and even my family. We see us every day, every hour, every minute! This is so terrible. But this is love. I do not know what would do without him. In him are majority of my favourite pictures, books, music and videos.Thanks him i can connect with the digital world, digital persons, and my digital self. Therefore i love it (in my special form). And without him, my life would be diferent, maybe better (fantastic)... Is for this what i do not know how life would be whitout him.

Pd: His name is Toshiba.
Pd2: His parents are japanese.
Pd3: His last name is computer.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016


Yes, today I did an imaginary buy with wich I feel an imaginary consumer. So bad. I will tell you how was. I had an illusory budget with more precision 800, 00 US to buy a desktop computer. ANY desktop computer. Of course in my mind and blog but in any wich way I would have a pc super! Then now I require a desk to put my new acquisition. For that I had an another illusory budget of 200,00 US - I am an millionaire blogger - to buy a pretty desk.I chose "HP business desktop prodesk 600 G2 whit a processor Intel Core i5 i and 8G of RAM" (with a price of 777,28 US) because i like watch a lot of movies and listen a lot of music and for that the computer needs a lot of RAM. About desk I chose "South shore access cholate desk" (with a price of 152,65 US) because we always need drawers and i liked the description (especially the word cholate).

Ok, another history.
WHAT?! me an internet addictor? of coursly not. But the university demand me its use in every moment at every place. Well, about the quiz I obtained 8 correct answers and I had wrong the question of "who developed internet?" and "Wich is the best tool to finding things in the web?". How I could know who developed internet? Ok, in our times it is a knowledge of general culture. The site of the test never charged. However I am not internet addictor and this is empirically proved. 
Like a blackout:

  • In the MP3 exercise I obtained 94%. Among "available" and "integrated" arose in me a big mental confusion.  
 To my personal academic interest.

     - In this picture, Monte Verde an archaeological deposit.

I will be sincere. I should to make an exposition for the archaeology matter and it is of this area "The archaeological method". Therefore, so this article has given me a global look of the generally methods that are used by the archaeologist then it was helpful and I found enough information. The most curious thing for me it was this "The more thorough the paper the better, because archaeology is basically a destructive science." (Toothman, 2016). Ok, not curious, but it is a very good affirmation. Because the archaeology destroy its study object to the bring up of its primary context.
  • My fifteen favorite words:

  1. Shard: FRAGMENTO                 7. Dig: CAVAR                      13. Unearth: DESENTERRAR
  1. Penknife: NAVAJA                      8. Chopstick: PALILLO         14. Bug: CHINCHE
  1. Digger: EXCAVADOR                9. Calipers: CALIBRADOR  15. Surrounding: ALREDEDOR
  1. Plow: ARADO                            10. Scoop: PALA
  1. Chunk: TROZO                           11. Shred: HEBRA
  1. Scalpel: BISTURÍ                        12. Enhance: REALZAR

Thanks for read this, and do not forget make a comment! - it sounded like a youtuber :s -

"The blue view, yellow plus green"

I cannot avoid heaved a sigh when I remember the day I took this photo, the things I learned, the people I met,  the place I visited, the nature I absorbed and the wonderful mental pictures that has-been engrabed in my mind. 
This house was in San Antonio the countryside of Calbuco located 40 minutes away from Puerto Montt in the south of Chile. I say "was" because in the past summer when i went there for my suprise the propietor had razed the small yellow wooden house! That was terrible. In this place my cousins kept the boat in wich we were going to "open sea". Haha no. We were not going there but we were going to a inlet of sea the same inlet that you can see in the picture. 
An important thing about this it is the camera with wich i took this photograph. This is an analogue camera. The photography be come more exciting than before! Yes, I consider me romantic person.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

For the beginning

I am a Blog with a typical characteristics of an any universitary english blog but i want change that with your help. I going to introduce you to my administrator Violeta alias Vaiolet or Viole. She has seventeen years old (her brithday is coming soon in 30th april) and she is an student of antrophology and after that an hardly student of english (she do not know how speak-writte in this language too much), but this is not realy important. The point is in you. If you enjoy the music, the literature, the films, the political contigency and its discussion, the new discoveries and science, and overall cause to make you stand up of your sit, just contact with her and we will publish you. Okey. All sounds very friendly and open minded, right? I would not like put limitations but the condition require so please submit in english for the preferences. Thank guys! my time has been done.