lunes, 27 de junio de 2016


uh i hope you are well!

wiii! One of my favourites themes are films because the color, the music, the actors, the scripts, the thing and scenes, wrap me and makes me think "maybe i really want to study cine..." but i know it is because all of that it is closely related with my studies in the career.

The last movie i watched -the past saturday in my house- was "The dark side of the heart". This is about the game between love and death, in all senses -passional, psychological, emotional - but with emphasis in our ordinary life, all of that poetically talking. I mean in a literal form, the characters recites different poems of Oliverio Girondo, Juan Gelma and Mario Benedetti. In fact the last person that i metioned, acts in the movie reciting in german. Another thing important about the movie is the music made of Chico Novarro, Osvaldo Montes, Mário Chavel and Fito Páez. The actors that star in it are Dario Grandinetti, Sandra Ballesteros and Nacha Guevara in the principal roles. see it!

The director of the film is argentinian called Eliseo Subiela. He has produced and directed another films -in the surrealism genre- that i like so much...

Like "The man seeing to southeast". It is have music by Pedro Aznar and its history is based in real facts! UH the best film ever haha. - I do not want to say nothing more -  see it!

But one film i recently watched its call "Suffragist" and hit me in the head. The movie is very violent but in the same time is very good. I watched it with some mates in the auditorium of the faculty of the social sciences in the university, this added an special ingredient. Also is a recent film released in the past year.

The movie talk about that.

sábado, 18 de junio de 2016

Talk it's only talk


Music is an important thing what makes us join together with others - for me -

I want to tell you about an english band which i like very much. This band is King Crimson.

I met they, i remember, one day in winter (three or four winters ago) when my eldest brother lived in "Austria house" a big abandoned house - ok, when he lived here and for the next five years, was no longer abandoned- but the point is that here, while it rained, we were in the sofa listening music he tells me "listen this music" and it rang "21st Century Schizoid Man". The song begin with a locomotive sound and special saxophones then a megaphone voice sings with an incredible impetus.
All of that and the full disc - called "In the court of the Crimson king"- make me feel a millions of sensations that produced my almost devotion to the band, progressive rock -their music style-, music of those years and the extension of my heard to understand the music, the discs what are like books in the process when you imagine the concepts in your mind.

Since then i have lived memorable experiences and feelings listening this band because the manner what they have to explain and tell things is really good, with this the rendering and interpretation have a lot of forms and connotations, and this really like me.

Guys, the songs that i like so much, but so much! are: - Matte Kudasai, it is so relaxing - Elephant talk, this version do not like to me, but the song it is uffffffffff (haha)

I recomend listen the band disc by disc because each have an own line,
I wait that you like it!!!

Pd: the other band of progressive rock it is "Almendra", they are argentine.

sábado, 11 de junio de 2016

ufffff too many things I want to learn

Hello hello,
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say helloooo sisters and brothers,

They are many languages that i would like to learn, with its linguistic and etymological specifications. Some of them are quechua, portuguese, romaní, arabic... but with luck i am learning english (haha). Also I want to understand musical theory; i do not play any instrument, but i like so much listen music (and listen my friends and brothers play an instrument, it is for that what i would like to learn something more, but i do not know whether i should learn to play an instrument for understand musical theory. However, i would like to learn many things like, for example, to paint, to sold (with a big machine), to goldsmith, to reveal photos, to act and millions of themes in the social sciences, sciences in general, popular sciences, history, literature, cinema, etc.

Haha, i feel like if i want to learn everything, and this is true. Something i want to learn in the university is "History of art" a interesting matter for me because i think this matter is very complementary with my career.

A special thing I had been leaning is to take photos with an analog camera. It was an autonomous learning, but when i enter to the university i left this hobbie :(  Another learning i left is woodcut, I learnt that in eighth basic grade. I want to return to this learnings.

sábado, 4 de junio de 2016

Santiago or "Santiasco"?

Hi dudeeees
(i hope you are well!)

Today is a good day to talk about Santiago my born city because the rain presents this paradoxical situation on the one hand, makes the city more beautiful, and on the other hand show more clearly its defects.
For me, Stgo. is a big city, fully of contrast (about economic level), so much divisions about the same, and very diversity too, good places to have a good time, and a few places with "green colour" (I mean vegetation), uff and millions of defects and attributes that generate a special feeling in me.

What i like of this city is the people. Yes, is amazing but the santiaguinos, have a many characteristics whose make them a likely people for me. I arrived to this conclusion when i questioned myself if i being really happy in the place where i live because i came to Stgo. in a bus from the south of Chili and in the distance i saw a grand black cloud that would cover the city. In this moment this question was born in my head: How can i live here?

- But this is because i like the people with who i can talk, and here it is very easy and entertaining -

It is therefore, what this places i recommend to visit is the persa Bío-bío, Alonso de Córdova street and parque Almagro (and its surroundings). Beacuse the people in each place change so much it is incredible, such their attitude how their oral expression, etc.

For the finish I do not like this economic contrast with its territorial division, the extremes in this city, even commune (with a street division, for example: the avenue Grecia up and Grecia down) and the pollution with its black cloud (or in the night brown cloud), but i think that we can transform this city in a better place to live, riding a bike instead drive a car, smoking less, talking more with our partners and families.

I like Santiago as well as i think possitive about the place i move every day in this form i feeling better and happier.